Friday, October 1, 2010


Morjana Alaoui......Anna
Mylene Jampanoi......Lucie
Catherine Begin......Mademoiselle

Written/Directed by:
Pascal Laugier

Release Date:
September 3, 2008

Running time:
100 mins.

This was heralded as one of the goriest horror movies ever made. Two corrections to that title: This wasn't necessarily a horror movie... it was way more of a revenge/action/thriller than pure horror. Only maybe one or two scare factors were used in the movie, if I remember correctly.

Still, this was an excellent film. I watched the unrated version, and I believe this only applies to that version: The director/writer of the movie, Pascal Laugier, introduced the film with an apology. He apologized for making the movie, but also gave the sentiment that he needed to make it. So he did. And I'm glad.

This movie supposedly scarred a lot of people, mentally. It didn't have that same effect on me. I'm not still haunted by the movie. I don't think of it on a daily basis, but I also will probably not forget my viewing experience.

The two lead actresses were really great. Both were able to portray most main emotions very well, and the movie would be completely different if that wasn't the case.

I should mention that the movie is French. Therefore, it has subtitles. I do think it has an English audio track, but I usually prefer to not watch a movie that way, as it's often cheesy and takes away from it.

Like mentioned earlier, I didn't really find the movie scary. I found it scary with the notion that such a place exists, which it (hopefully) doesn't. I feel it is best to go into this movie knowing as little as possible, so I will just say this: Something very, very bad happened to a girl, and her friend is seeking vengeance for it. That's essentially the main plot of the movie.

That said, please do watch this movie, if you have a tame enough stomach. (;

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