Sunday, October 3, 2010

2. Masters of Horror: Dreams in the Witch House

Ezra Godden......Walter Gilman
Chelah Horsdal......Frances Elwood

Directed by:
Stuart Gordon

Written by:
Stuart Gordan/Dennis Paoli, H.P. Lovecraft

Release Date:
November 4, 2005

Running Time:
60 mins.

I can't really review this because I didn't really understand what I was watching. I really disliked it... it may be the worst Masters of Horror episode I've seen. It was just boring, in my opinion. Nothing of importance really happened... there was barely any story, the acting was weak, and the script was faulty.

Seriously, that's all I have to say. Watch it if you're a fan of Stuart Gordan, I guess, but I wouldn't recommend it for any other reason.

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