Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Review: On Broadway

Joey McIntyre......Joey McIntyre
Eliza Dushku......Lena Wilson
Mike O'Malley......Father Rollie O'Toole
Sean Lawlor......Martin O'Toole
Lance Greene......Billy O'Toole
Vincent Dowling......Augie Burke
Lucas Caleb Rooney......Neil Quinn
Jill Flint......Kate O'Toole

Dave McLaughlin

Release Date:
April 25, 2007

Running Time:
98 mins

I decided to review this film for two reasons:

1). It was the last movie I watched, and
2). It has little reviews on the internet, and this movie NEEDS to be seen.

The setting is Boston, MA and the era is now. The story, however, is timeless.
Jack O'Toole has always been closer to his uncle than his own father, so when his uncle dies, Jack is absolutely devastated. To honor his uncle and let his own feelings out, Jack decides to write a play inspired by his uncle's wake. Quitting his job as a carpenter, Jack takes on the role of director and producer, and his wife, Kate, designs the set. Besides the fact of getting closure about his uncle's death, Jack also hopes to get closer to his estranged father. He, however, wants nothing to do with it. Hiring actors along the way, Jack comes to terms with his uncle's death, and inspires his crew of actors.

The acting in this movie is great. New Kids On the Block member Joey McIntyre, whom I didn't even recognize, carried the film on his back with his emotional performance as Jack. The second best performance would be that of Eliza Dushku, who played Lena Wilson. She was funny, sexy, but also respectful. She begged Jack for the main female role in the play until she got it. Mike O'Malley gave a great, but kind of bored, performance as Father Rollie O'Toole. Will Arnett and Amy Poelher were also in a few brief, but hilarious scenes, probably due to their friendship with writer/director Dave McLaughlin.

This movie has it all: humor, heart, and family. If you like a good movie, please give this one a chance and watch it. It never got a theatrical release, but was screened at many film festivals with great success.

How I Watched It: Netflix

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